Director’s Welcome

Welcome to the Center for Water and the Environment at The University of New Mexico! Located between the Sandia Mountains and the Rio Grande in beautiful Albuquerque, New Mexico, the UNM CWE is situated at the center of one of the most water-challenged regions in the world. We are a National Science Foundation Center for Research Excellence in Science and Technology (NSF CREST Center), with a focus on understanding and solving an array of water problems in the face of climate change and water shortages of particular relevance in the arid Southwest. Our team includes faculty from across campus to address the interdisciplinary nature of society’s many water challenges.
Created in 2012, the CWE is celebrating 10 years of outstanding growth and exploration of exciting new areas of research. We are also home to the Southwest Environmental Finance Center (SWEFC) which provides a variety of services, including asset management and technical training, to a broad range of water and wastewater utilities. We are excited to be an important component of the UNM Sustainable Water Resources Grand Challenge, which will further our mission for interdisciplinary efforts to address complex issues in water supply and quality.
The CWE also maintains a very active outreach program, where we employ an array of water-related hands-on activities we have developed as part of our Water Activity Vehicle and Experience (WAVE) trailer to engage with New Mexico K-12 students and communities. Adapting to a changing climate will be aided by technological advances, but also it will require engaging communities of all sizes to understand their needs and perspectives.
Please contact me or any of our faculty to learn more about the great work being done by CWE researchers, to inquire about outreach events, or if you’re interested in undergraduate or graduate research opportunities!
Andrew Schuler
Interim Director
Center for Water and the Environment