John C. Stormont
Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
PhD, Geological Engineering, University of Arizona, 1990
MS, Mining Engineering, University of Arizona, 1983
BS, Mining Engineering, University of Wisconsin, 1980
Contact Information
CENT 3041
Dr. Stormont teaches courses in unsaturated zone hydrology, soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, waste containment technologies, and civil engineering design.
He is actively working in the areas of saturated and unsaturated flow through soil and rock. His experience includes field and laboratory measurements of hydraulic properties and behavior, as well as numerical simulations of near-surface processes including evapotranspiration, infiltration, drainage, and erosion.
Dr. Stormont is also investigating the use of nanomaterials to improve wellbore sealing for CO2 sequestration, hydraulic fracturing, and other applications. He is a registered Civil Engineer in the State of New Mexico.
Teaching Interests
- Geotechnical engineering
- Unsaturated hydrology
- Geoenvironmental engineering
Research Interests
- Near-surface water and energy balance
- Rock mechanics
- Waste isolation